Body Blog

Artist's Statement

Body-blog.com was a project, where I explore the aspects of the body using website as a social platform, a diary, a blog.

It is multimedial; photographic, video and writing project. After my Death by Domestication, which was a series of mise-en-scenes, staged portraits of myself in a domestic setting I worked on new project focused on body.

In my Body-blog.com I work on my subjective reality here: I created a new identity new woman Lola Spielman to go over my own limitations. The project is created in an Eastern European, in patriarchal society, in a society, where as problem of guilit and shame is still an issue.

Body-blog.com it is a blog and a diary. Here I want to create a platform for other women and men to encourage them to express their own experiences bodily experiences by submitting texts; thier diaries.

I created new alter ego, new, part ficional character Lola Spielman to speak for me and break the limitations that I learned with my culture, where part of it is shame and guilt. She, my character, had a tourbulent life with her body, she experienced a los and a transformation.

Doing the visual part, I am trying to show not only the beauty, but also all of the imperfections of the body. This is crucial for the project and, in the world of domination of beauty and heavily retouched pictures is a somewhat a rebelious manifesto.

Filmed performance expressed a story of a female body;

of a women who on intimate journey went beyond her boundaries.

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